Microcryptosofts V.0.1

Bitcoin mining software & hardware
Microcryptosofts V.0.1Microcryptosofts V.0.1
Original price was: $899.00.Current price is: $599.00.

Our Microcryptosofts V.0.1 is older version of Microcryptosofts 4.0.9. It’s works on Server Mining System (SMS), this method is different from Hash Hardware Mining and Cloud Mining, which is also called Server Hacking Method. Our software works on such a mechanism that it hacks the weak security mining servers through leaked bug’s and send blocks to your bitcoin address but Microcryptosofts V.0.1 have less capable mining servers.

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Mine up to 0.1 – 0.3 BTC to your wallet within Hour.

Our software works on Server Mining system (SMS), this method is different from Hash Hardware Mining and Cloud Mining, which is also called the Server Hacking Method Our software works on such a mechanism that it hacks the weak security mining servers through leaked bugs and sends the blocks received in it to your input bitcoin address.

Simple dashboard to use

A great software company knows that delivering fancy features and advanced capabilities with a simple dashboard if the productive application is not easy to use then its users aren’t able to use it more efficiently. So we keep our software features as simple as possible.

Reusable Server Details

Some companies use recurring payment systems to get payment again and again. So they build a license system for re-purchasing their license key. But we give reusable server details to each client are for reuse and can be used daily. It’s your personal, so don’t do it with anyone.

Our Software Feature’s

  • Mine up to 0.1-0.3 BTC
  • Easy to use
  • 24/7 Support
  • One time payment
  • Valid till Dec 2026
  • Reusable Server detail